Interested in Working with Krafted Koch?
We work with brands and companies in the following ways;
• Product reviews–If you have a product that you think would be a good fit for Krafted Koch and our readers, feel free to contact me about potential opportunities for us to host reviews and/or giveaways on this site with your product.
• Sponsored Posts: If you are interested in promoting content that is relevant to Krafted Koch and our readers, please contact me. I welcome opportunities to incorporate great products into my recipes and posts.
• Brand/product ambassador – Have Krafted Koch represent your brand. This can be done through blog posts, social media, travel opportunities, etc.
• Company/Brand Events and Sponsored Trips–If your company is hosting a food event or planning a press trip, I would love to be involved and share my experiences with my readers.
• Blog and Food Related Conferences –Need a food blogger to represent your company/products at a blog or food related conference? I am always interested in working with new companies!
• Travel reviews –I love to travel. If you have a place that you think I would love to visit and potentially promote on my blog and/or social media, please contact me for various opportunities. I am happy to share travel reviews with our readers.
I am very PR friendly and would love to hear from you regarding your company’s needs. I look forward to working with you! Please email me at to discuss opportunities in detail.